
Didache for Oct 1

My good God is really making me make up for those unnoticed Ay! Caramba opportunities
last week. As I was shuffling through the many used papers in my desk at home I noticed this printed email from one of mommy's friends:


“Anyone who starts to plow and then keeps looking back is of no use for the Kingdom of God.” – Luke 9:62

read the whole blog

I have started an RTW business in my perpetual search for additional income streams and the interest kind of dwindled down after a couple of road blocks encountered. And now I am looking at starting another business but I have a feeling that I'm kind of running away from something. And reading this from paper really drove the point to the heart of the matter.

Road blocks are such to keep us from getting through for a reason but that should not keep us from getting to our destinations. I'd say get the best out of the situation and look around a little and I bet there will be directions or re routes for better pathways.

Starting something is relatively easy it's the commitment to follow through that tests our integrity. Keep plowing! Ay! Caramba!

Selling Power

There's something with this month. It started last month, carried over and worsen this month. I am not sure if it's just me or is it really happening. I am in a sales company and my graciousness, the month has been sluggish. No other word. Low numbers and low spirits or is it the other way around.
So it was really a blessing when I discovered these magazines in a friend's table gathering dust. Good read, revitalized me professionally together with my weekend socializing. The magazine addresses real issues that sales folks encounter everyday. Definitely worth an Ay! Caramba!

P.S. for sales people visit this: www.sellingpower.com

after a week's hiatus

I have been in hiatus. Yes, guilty as charged! I gave in to the child me... I didn't blog because I didn't feel like doing it and my goshness the emotional turmoil I went through.... ayayaaay! It has been a crazy week.

My über pessimist self took the better of me the whole of last week, it was hellish and I was so ready to kill if I am not to have my way that weekend. I was planning to go to the mall, hoping that the glossy mall displays would do its works to uplift my dreary spirits. So just imagine when I was reminded that it was my friend's baby shower that weekend and I might end up canceling my glamorous plans (haha).

So with heavy feet I made my way to the venue. It's not so much about being with the people that I find insufferable (these are valued friends by the way). It's the my not getting what I wanted at that specific time -- the stroll at the mall. Not shopping mind you, just the stroll. I was like this the whole week... so focused at the negative part that I wasn't able to let in and notice a few surprises to blog about.

But good thing I went because it turned out to be a blessing of the week. Surprise! Surprise! It was a very relaxing Saturday night with good talk and good company. My son had a riot playing with my friends' kids and my hubby was another surprise on his own. He stayed there and he was friendly and never a scowl on his face the entire night I was chatting with the girls. It was my turn to say Ay! Caramba!


As of yesterday

Previous blog was an outburst. haha! But it was therapeutic nonetheless. I am reading a book -- a spiritual memoir by Dan Wakefield. It has freed me from the crazy issues I'm hoarding about faith, life, people. It has come totally as a surprise as I didn't think of it to become a good read at all. Bestest thing about this is I got this from a booksale in Tiendesitas at P50 -- hardbound, very fresh with original price at P895. Treasure in being thrifty! Ay! Caramba!

random thoughts

is this even blog-worthy? - oh yes it is people crave to be just plain inexplicable to be thought of as "deep" deep shit

but part of me is that person -- but that small voice says oh wait its not right

says the book im reading now

about a jungian group that attempted to study the scripture in a jungian fashion\

that God is amoral

is He? I don't think so

well their thoughts my thoughts just dont push it- To Each His Own

I love God- strive to be perfect curtails. sometimes the life out of me. death

peace death

tired of pushing sometimes

me -- straight -- life-- straight and slash or boring - synonymous in this part

I fear am I blasphemous? no! words and thoughts flows from my mind and we are created in the likeness of my Father

no rants no complains. statement. plain. simple statement or words

random thoughts you dont need to understand



half-full or half-empty?

Contrary to the world's statistics of rising number of unemployment, I have never been so thankful that I am this picture today and hopefully for the many days to come. Our company has been sold to a big company and good thing no drastic changes can be felt...yet. I got a call from my aunt in PA and she relayed recent sad events of suicide and unemployment in US as an effect of the global financial crisis. Too many bad news and it is an opportune time to reinstate rule #3 of the glad game:re-orient your perspectives. In these times my favorite author, Robert Kiyosaki would definitely say that a great transfer of wealth is happening and we better be ready for it! Ay! Caramba!

P.S. This blog therapy is definitely working! For myself at least. Boosts up a tired body and mind by being thankful with what we have.

for Oct 15

Time flies so fast. I've been feeling the cold breezy air in the mornings, a sure hint of Christmas just around the corner. Add up some consistent bugging of my seatmate to play "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" (shoot! For the 3rd Christmas that we're together, we still don't know the title of the song!) oooooh. Time does fly fast. And let me segue to the growth of my Palo Santo Tree. Smooth.. isn't it? haha

My palo santo tree is grown from the empty lot adjacent to our place. We planted, I mean our beloved household help, Grace (happy birthday Grace!) planted that a few months ago. And look at it now.

Of course, as you've seen it at this stage already then you wouldn't realize the change it has gone through in the past months. But it was indeed a real baby plant ( does this even make sense???) when I first got it. Oh well it has grown and time flies fast and todays Grace's birthday, and Macky's and Ingo's and to all these I'll say... Ay! Caramba!